Decoding the doorknob of destiny

Hello, Reader!

I live with a dog named Bodhi. Each time we enter our home from a walk, Bodhi touches his nose to the doorknob. This lets him know who has crossed our threshold when he was not standing by to supervise. If the doorknob tells him my son is home, for example, he charges in to find him.

I have started referring to this ritual as “decoding the doorknob of destiny”. What if we each had such a touchstone that could give us the vitals we want? What would you measure for? Who would you want turning that doorknob toward you?

This week, I turned my own doorknob of destiny toward a new adventure with a long-term collaborator, colleague, and friend. When we both lived in Portland, Jean Shields Fleming was a communications and digital strategy executive, and I was her communications consultant. In addition to creating impactful content and campaigns, we’d often meet for gorgeous lunches to discuss our creative writing lives.

Today, Jean is Founder and Editor in Chief of my favorite magazine, Certain Age, where audacious women unleash their power one story at a time. My essay “Family is the Story We Tell” has appeared in Certain Age. And I am overjoyed to now have a role in bringing poetry to Certain Age readers.

I have joined Certain Age as Poetry Editor.
I invite audacious women to send us your poems.

Certain Age seeks a wide array of ideas from modern women over 50. We are drawn to poems that illuminate the human by offering fresh ways to see, feel, know, and alchemize experience to insight. All types of poetry will be considered, up to two pages in length. We pay $75 upon publication.

Send us your poems (and nonfiction and art)!

Thank you for being such good company in the creative life. May your doorknob of destiny lead you deep into your own knowing. And whenever you need it, may you be guided by poem light.


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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